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Revise and resubmit vs major revision. Dec 1, 2022 · Abstract.

Revise and resubmit vs major revision Aug 22, 2022 · Minor revision might be a few weeks, major revisions might be a month or two. Apr 20, 2015 · It's been six weeks since I have sent paper for a second review after I received revise&resubmit decision from the first round. But do not wait until the last minute to finish the revision. The authors analysed reviews of treatment for type II diabetes and concluded that doctors who rely on reviews may be misled. Commented Mar 2, 2023 at 20 Bewertung: Major Revisions; Revise and Resubmit. If you have questions/doubts, don't hesitate to contact the editor in charge. Most important, however is to try to address the reasons why you weren't understood. Sep 24, 2020 · Charlesworth Author Services; 24 September, 2020; Peer Review Process; How to deal with revise and resubmit to an academic journal Introduction. This letter details how I addressed the Associate Editors and reviewers’ feedback. This article provides some practical steps to guide authors in this task and attain publication of their manuscript. Feb 18, 2021 · Give yourself clear instructions for what you need to do and exactly which part(s) of your paper you need to revise to address the issue. " The editor and reviewers all started with "the article has great potential, but". Also a signal that you have a good shot at another similarly ranked journal should this not work out. Or, just decline the paper. Not all of them use "Rejected" or "Revise and Resubmit. It is not easy to share one’s struggles in a public setting, and she did so with both professionalism and humor. In addition, if you had contradictory comments from reviewers or did not address a major area raised by the reviewers, you should clearly explain your logic and rationale. 3. Ensure all revisions are highlighted according to the journal's Jan 27, 2017 · However, once you get a revise and resubmit, if you do a good job of implementing the requested changes, then the editor will typically accept the manuscript. Even then, resubmission after rejection may be impossible. Find out more. Allerdings weist dieses sowohl theoretische als auch methodische Schwächen auf, wodurch es aktuell nicht zur Veröffentlichung empfohlen werden kann. Yep, you're right. Enclosed is our revised manuscript for review. Increasing submission rates put a strain on reviewing quality and efficiency, motivating the development of applications to support the reviewing and editorial work. The author(s) then should revise the manuscript according to this revision plan. Das Manuskript hat Potenzial und behandelt eine interessante Forschungsfrage. Whenever possible, we invite earlier-round reviewers to re-review manuscripts following authors' revisions since they are best Revise and resubmit mean that the editor sees clear solutions and ways to address the problems brought up by the reviewers. Authors should view an invitation to revise and resubmit as good news because it means the journal has found value with the article. Additional Information: You can only create a revision for the most current revision of submittal. Ultimately you may have multiple "Revise and Resubmit" submittal versions, but that submittal as a whole should eventually be marked Approved or Approved As Noted. Oct 1, 2012 · To my experience, major revision in general leads to the acceptance of a manuscript reviewed and re-reviewed for several rounds. Revising a manuscript and responding properly to the comments of reviewers and editors often is challenging. ” I had this with one paper (Medical Care) and I think I had two of these rejections before the minor formatting revision pre-acceptance (longest submission process in my career; one year from first submission to acceptance). Revision It is highly likely that, if your paper is not rejected, you will be asked to revise it. To Submit, or Resubmit, That Is the Question Most manuscripts that are published in journals are not accepted immedi-ately; rather, the vast majority of them initially receive revise-and-resubmit decisions. I would write your best revision and include a very strongly (but politely and professionally) constructed and worded cover letter directly addressing the reviewer's points including the fact that The editor explained that there were too many changes required to give it a revise and resubmit, and that they're declining "at this time. The key is to remain calm and address the reviewers' suggestions for revision in a systematic manner. How to respond to a “revise and resubmit” from an academic journal: Ten steps to a successful revision [Web log post]. Besides by the duration of the different steps of the peer review process, total publication time is also influenced by revision time, i. , 1 or 2 months depending on the journal. Dec 4, 2020 · But why not just say this? An editor may use “reject with option to resubmit” to mean “revise and resubmit” for a number of reasons: To emphasize that the revisions required are (seriously) major, going well beyond what would typically be associated with a “major revision. I would recommend to revise the paper accordingly and resubmit it. Some journals have this weird category “reject with invitation to resubmit,” which functions as an alternative to “major revisions. Oct 14, 2019 · Step 3: Make your major revisions. 1. I recently, and somewhat implausibly, managed to score a revise & resubmit from one of the top journals in my field. If they can be corrected in time, the authors are given the chance to revise and resubmit (major revision). Hi everyone, I got my very first revise and resubmit from an agent today and I’m wondering what the protocol is here. If the author wishes to proceed with this, s(he) needs to revise the paper substantially based on the reviewer and editor comments, and submit it to the Acceptance with major revisions. While this may appear to be similar to a major revision, there are some key differences that are important to consider. FWIW, I’ve not seen reject and resubmits converted to publications on any articles that I’ve reviewed where the editor has given authors that decision. The editor has to intervene,” said Belcher. Jan 18, 2012 · Deciding on awarding minors or majors depends on examiners opinions and in some cases, performance at viva. . ” (One of my favorite journals has switched to the more-discouraging, “Reject and Resubmit,” but this is actually […] Oct 11, 2023 · Keep in mind that a revise and resubmit vs major revisions are essentially the same thing. Oct 26, 2023 · Today's post outlines the four-step process I use to tackle a major revise and resubmit. Resubmit - this thesis does not pass, but contains sufficient material to convince the examiners you are capable of passing. Acceptance without revision is almost unheard of. Dec 14, 2021 · If you are writing in Latex, I recommend Latexdiff; its default seems pretty good: (Image shamelessly stolen from Track changes with latexdiff). Oct 20, 2017 · After months of working on your research paper, receiving a "revise and resubmit" decision from the journal can be very disheartening. I understand that journals might think of them differently. Sometimes it chokes on some equations and complicated nested environments, but in general it's a great tool that does not require you to track changes by hand. I got the language from MasterSpec's evaluations (Supporting Documents). Yet, there're (subtle) differences between them. I appreciate immensely the feedback and opportunity to revise and resubmit my manuscript. Upon receiving notice that major revisions of the Dec 1, 2022 · Abstract. I resubmit, including responses to the editors' review. Dec 14, 2021 · If you’re up to the challenge, here’s how to tackle a Revise & Resubmit. The process of revising a manuscript and successfully responding to the comments of reviewers and the Editor can be difficult. Table of Contents. However, since your target journal has used “Revisions Required,” it seems likely that they mean that minor revisions are required, and they Nov 23, 2012 · OBJECTIVE. If an editor thinks authors need more time than a major revision decision would allow, they should use the “revise and resubmit” option. They provided a few areas for me to work on but no timeline and the wording was “if you do choose to revise and resubmit, I would like to see the following edits…” Applicants may (or may not) revise and resubmit a proposal that was not recommended for funding. Different journals will explicitly say "revise and resubmit" or "we will be happy to look at this again after minor revision". I don't know for a fact, but one theory I have for why agents might do this is to make sure that you're capable of receiving feedback and making a manuscript better (something that will inevitably happen once you sell a book to an editor) and also because The immediate rejection time is thus a major indicator of a journal’s performance. This may involve significant rewriting, additional experiments, or new analyses. Jun 18, 2010 · Papers are almost never accepted without revision (I once had a very short paper with only a few simple stats that required only text revisions; this was still called "revise & resubmit"). To sum up, “Revise and resubmit as new” can be considered as a “Serious Major Revision”. Jan 25, 2015 · You should revise and resubmit, you would be doing yourself a disfavour if you don't. , to mark each revision as “Pending” or “Complete”). Now, the manuscript is 'Under Review'. I suggest you resubmit and then have some patience. Ultimately, the editor is saying: yes, we are interested in publishing this, if you do work to improve the piece. Apr 25, 2017 · 'Reject' means that the paper in the present format is 'Not Acceptable'. Ultimately, the editor and the editorial board want research that is the best fit for the journal, which emphasizes the importance of your initial journal selection. "Reject with invitation to resubmit" is a newish and fairly common response. Minor revision may undergo referee evaluation; however, in most cases, the editor accepts the paper without sending the revised manuscript to the reviewer. Resubmission is not encouraged. This factor is therefore also included in our analysis. The “revise and resubmit letter” documents how you have responded to . I always coordinate with the architect's submittal stamp. of your reviewers’ comments. Editors want the strongest manuscript possible regardless of the timeframe – and they certainly won’t accept a poorly-revised article just because the author got it back to them quickly. It doesn’t do credit to either the reviewer or the author. Learn more about the reasons for a 'revise and resubmit' decision, and have a look at sample peer review comments and examples of 'revise and resubmit' decisions. 1 Reject/Resubmit with Major Revision. Most authors agree that their papers are improved through the review process. 4 – Don’t give up! Remember that many papers will go through three rounds of revise and resubmit. If a major revision is required, acceptance is not guaranteed at all. Thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript, [title of manuscript]. Oct 20, 2016 · Rapid publication is a major selling tool for any journal. This may seem like the hardest part, but anyone who has made substantial revisions to a document will know that it can be generative. You will have the opportunity to improve your paper taking into account the expert insights of the reviewers and the editor. Revise and resubmit; Reject with the offer to resubmit later; Reject; By far the most common recommendation that reviewers give is to revise and resubmit. Revise, resubmit, repeat. Aug 13, 2021 · In this case, the editor may choose “Reject and Resubmit” rather than “Major Revision” for the manuscript decision. The editor stated that the reviewers find the Bewertung: Major Revisions; Revise and Resubmit Das Manuskript hat Potenzial und behandelt eine interessante Forschungs-frage. Cross off, tick off, or hide the bullet or row associated with each revision as you move through this work, so that you can measure your progress and celebrate your good work. The reviews, I was told, were strikingly positive for a first round, which, I take it, means there is a real chance of getting this paper published, should I somehow and for once avoid any majo Major Revisions (aka Revise and Resubmit) indicates a manuscript that requires significant revision to organization, clarity, argument, and/or other components; this recommendation automatically triggers re-review. 3 Revise and Resubmit. The current situation may be different enough if your analysis is correct, but it is the editor who decides, probably with some internal consultation. The editor feels that the requisite revisions are too major and an outcome too uncertain for a generic R&R, but acknowledges that there is something worthy in the paper that it might be well-suited for the journal if you managed to address all of the concerns. Then there is “major revision”, and it is hard to see how you could not involve the original reviewers since it will be their comments to which the author is replying. Apr 8, 2016 · Recently, I have received a major revision decision for my paper. Decision Types Accept - No further revision required. As a peer reviewer, it is useful to learn about common reasons for a 'major revision' verdict. Therefore, it will be more difficult to demonstrate the evidence of priority in this case. Since there is no guarantee of acceptance in the second review, the author(s) must determine if they wish to revise the manuscript based on the reviews and resubmit it or not. Any unreasonable behaviour is up to the editor to curb. Feb 27, 2024 · In our newest "how can we help you?" thread, a reader asks: I am curious about the difference between "major revision" and "minor revision". Your revision will depend on what kind of R&R you have received, from among several possible types. 1,强调需要的修订是Major要更严重,远远超出了通常与Major decision相关的内容。 “编辑想要明确的是,作者需要基本上重新写一篇论文,而不是简单地修改原来的论文。 Mar 14, 2022 · Some consider a Revise/Resubmit decision as a tacit acceptance, but really there are no promises here, particularly if you are called upon to make major revisions to your manuscript. Only your final comment would be minor corrections. , increased exposure for your idea, and improved cv which helps for grants Nov 9, 2019 · This dialog captures insight from six years of Academy of Management professional development workshops, an action editor’s perspective on the process, and a qualitative exploration of revision derailers—topics focused on understanding and improving the predictability of the revise and resubmit process. Revision is a long, time-consuming process that begins with a first draft and reconceptualizes a paper many times. The good news is that a revise and resubmit decision indicates that your first submission is potentially a good “fit” for this venue. May 26, 2022 · The next stage up is “minor revision”. I think one important practical difference between minor and major revisions is the revising time granted to the authors. Jun 13, 2017 · “It is now frequently the case that journals will go through not just two rounds of revise and resubmit on the same article, but three, and four, and five - and this is insanity. Then, major revision would be a reviewer saying "I need to see that my questions were properly addressed [possibly depending on the answers]), but in principle it is possible to answer fast Final-year PhD student in a law & humanities discipline here. Resubmit Carefully: After making changes, proofread your manuscript and response document carefully. Jan 11, 2021 · Getting a foot in the door with a revise and resubmit decision can cause authors to make broad structural changes, temper messaging or shift focus -- only to ultimately receive a rejection with weeks, months or even years lost in revision. I guarantee there is not a single reputable journal in the world which has status option like "accepted with major revision". If authors Sep 13, 2024 · In general "My concerns have been addressed" or "I believe this is now ready for publication" is enough. The editors had two very contrasting reviewers for your piece, one who suggested a minor revision and the other an outward reject, so a Revise and Resubmit is a pretty good outcome from that, but also highlights a stark contrast of views. It is impossible to read the mind of the editor. All applicants can receive upon request the evaluators’ ratings and written comments (source: NEH’s Application Review Process) Congrats on getting a revise and resubmit. Sep 13, 2019 · 16. Anyway, the outcome was "Revise and Resubmit" (Australian terminology - not sure what it is globally, but generally involves major revisions for resubmission). Reply to the agent/editor. " Wayne Yancey Senior Member Username: wayne_yancey Post Number: 659 Revise and resubmit as new, right? In my field, it basically is a major revision with no deadline. I done the revisions and i submitted last week. Reject (without further consideration) The guideline for each recommendation option is described below. e. But is there any official policy or is it up to the editors? Is it just a Nov 10, 2023 · Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you revise and resubmit a rejected manuscript. Take the list of comments and suggestions and group them into categories, and then identify which require a minor revision and which require a major revision. Usually, it would require extensive revision, in most cases, adding new experiments or redoing the data analysis. This decision usually indicates that the editor is cautiously optimistic that you can make revisions that will result in a publishable article. Reject/Submit to Another Journal. Implies that the editors and reviewers feel the paper is publishable once their comments have been addressed. The problems with “revise and resubmit as new” are the following: Wherein an editor rejects an article but invites you to resubmit later, presumably with what is basically major revisions. c) Revise and resubmit. Proper strategy. Mar 30, 2022 · Hello everybody. May involve new experiments - often 1 year time limit. – semmyk-research. Traditionally it was major revisions, minor revisions or reject. Recent advice suggests that the revise and resubmit letter Sep 7, 2015 · I seem to remember deadlines for both major revision and revise & resubmit, but a far shorter one for the major revision (3 weeks vs. While existing NLP studies focus on the analysis of individual texts, editorial assistance often requires modeling interactions between For a review journal like The Lancet Neurology, it is rather worrying that the results of a cohort analysis published recently in the BMJ suggest that review articles are not as accurate and reliable as most clinicians think (BMJ 2003; 327: 266). Jul 1, 2018 · Reviewers, in fact, can recommend one of five decisions: a) publish as is, b) minor revision and publish, c) minor revision and re-review, d) major revision and re-review, and e) reject. Depending on which lens on looks at it, reject and resubmit is synonymous with revise and resubmit or major revision. The reason is that the editor thinks that you cannot address the comments within the normal duration for major revision, e. The editor will usually give the author(s) a deadline to submit the revisions to the original paper. Many writers know that there are multiple types of rejections that come from literary agents, and a revise and resubmit letter is the rarest and most promising. some months). A reject and resubmit seems to be a new claasifocatiom for a weak R&R. It can be frustrating but it is worth it to see a top quality paper that you can be proud of into the future enter the academic arena. Following the principles outlined in this article will enable authors to successfully meet the challenges of manuscript revision Nov 5, 2012 · The author is told that the reviewers suggest major substantive revisions being done before submitting the revised manuscript for another full review process. Response : Reject and resubmits are situations where the manuscript is rejected, but unlike ‘reject’ these manuscripts can be modified and resubmitted if appropriate. Jan 27, 2019 · More recently reject and resubmit has become a thing. Dec 11, 2019 · You’ve submitted your manuscript to a medical journal and you’re anxiously awaiting a decision. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. Sometimes they try and use the same editor and reviewers and ask for a rebuttal letter, just like a revise and resubmit. I personally don’t think the expectations concerning the quality of the revise and resubmit change the longer the manuscript is out for revision. Step 1: break each review you get into chunks, where each chunk represents an individual revision request. Both minor and major corrections are viewed as a 'PhD pass' and PhD awarded after some changes. Nov 21, 2023 · Revision in scholarly writing should not be confused with proofreading. Share Improve this answer Jul 16, 2022 · For mathematical manuscripts, what makes the editor opt for a rejection rather than major revisions and vice-versa? Usually, the editor determines the gravity of the mistakes within the manuscript. See full list on master-academia. I know major revisions + some harsh reviewer feedback may sound upsetting, but I would take this as a tentatively good sign. Minor revisions will include formatting or writing suggestions and are typically issues you can easily address. A airmont It sounds like a Reject + Resubmit (or Revise + Resubmit, depending on the journal). Make sure you respond to all of the reviewers’ comments. On the other hand, I also had a minor revision, that in the end turned out to require a significant (>50%) rewriting of the paper that took quite some time; I'd definitely classify it as major revision. Your promptness in submitting the revision expresses your eagerness and sincerity about your work. R&R in the traditional publishing world stands for “Revise and Resubmit. In both cases, you're making reviewer-suggested changes and sending your manuscript back. In the case of rejection, the authors become free to submit their manuscript in the same journal (resubmit) or in other journals. Insgesamt ist auch anzumerken, dass das Manuskript insgesamt einige Oct 15, 2019 · So, you’ve submitted your paper to your idea l target journal, waited the requisite period, and one day, your inbox contains an e-mail from the publication’s editor-in-chief. Aug 10, 2023 · In fact, it’s almost the complete opposite. It’s not the hoped for acceptance, but a “Revise and Resubmit. ” It is what it sounds like: an agent thinks your manuscript has potential but it needs a major revision, and if you can pull that off and resubmit, then you will MAYBE get an offer of representation. ” The editor wants to make it clear that the authors need to A fundamental principle of peer review is that revision always produces a better paper. three major phenomena that make up a full iteration of the review-revise-and-resubmit cycle: pragmatic tagging, linking and long-document version alignment. There is still no guarantee of acceptance at this stage but the chances are certainly higher than at initial submission. This outcome involves substantial changes to a PhD thesis. As you already know, the quality of the manuscript is a decisive criterion for its screening in / out at the pre-peer review—preliminary editorial review, that is—stage. Making an appeal should only be considered in case of unfair judgement (like the reviewers missed the point of the paper or are clearly making unfair/incorrect comments) and should be kept rare. Sep 13, 2017 · This journal does not have a specialized submission system (though it is under a reputable press), and based on the phrasing I’m not 100% sure whether this can be considered a decision of “accepted with major revisions” or “revise and resubmit”. Reject/Resubmit with Major Revision. Utility. With each revision, the manuscript is modified in substantive, rather than Revise and Resubmit process with us. Practical limits, such as word counts, contradictory advice from reviewers and Other times, the editor will decline the paper and ask the author to resubmit after considering the reviewers’ comments. Once the editor has the referees’ reports, he/she/they makes a decision about your manuscript. The revised article will be sent back to the reviewers. Apr 15, 2021 · However, a rebuttal, rather than a revision, is less likely to be successful in most cases. Return to overview Revising the manuscript. Jul 17, 2023 · In the cover letter, I like to include a paragraph thanking the editor for the opportunity to resubmit my work and the major changes that I made in the revised version. Jul 16, 2015 · When submitting your writing for publication, the best you can often hope for is to receive a revise and resubmit request from the editor. This article discusses how to revise effectively a manuscript according to the (minor or major) comments of reviewers and editors for premier academic journals. The editor emails you with a request to “Revise and Resubmit” (yaaay!), with what they consider “major” revisions (not so great, but still good!). The paper goes into official review; one reviewer is extremely critical (I suspect rejection or major revision), the other reviewer is very positive with a few helpful comments and criticisms(I suspect major or minor revision). Your article has a chance of being accepted, but the reviewers have requested substantial changes to be made. Revise your paper. Mar 3, 2023 · I guess OP is referring to revise and resubmit (major revision). References Golash-Boza, T. If you work in quantitative or scientific fields, these steps may differ slightly in context from my humanities and qualitative social sciences experience, but I think they are still useful as a general procedure. 'Major revisions' is one of the most common peer review decisions. Check specific program guidelines. These changes are expected to take significantly longer and we will allow a longer deadline for you to submit. We provide a series Reject (also known as R2: Revise and Resubmit elsewhere) The paper is not acceptable for the Sensors Journal. Authors should consider this decision as major revision, and resubmit with asking for reviewer continuity and attaching an author response. Now go get that first author pub! Acknowledgements: Thank you also to my wonderful mentors, Diana Rancourt and David de Jong, for their training and support in the revise and resubmit process. Revise and resubmit is the same thing as revisions. I remember the first time I got a major revision I sort of panicked too, but from my experience this is totally unnecessary! So congratulations, enjoy the moment and, go make that rebuttal! Jun 24, 2014 · Case: An author, who was one of our clients, received reviewers’ comments requesting major revision. Aug 31, 2023 · I understand that 'reject and resubmit' is not explicitly covered in the Academia typical workflow of a journal. 首先扼要而言,major revision,相比较minor revision,主要区别在修改的幅度和修改后的处理流程。Minor revision一般小修改后直接由editor审核即可。而major revision意味着,文章主体内容的改动,修补以及完成后的再送审(相同的reviewers)。当然,并不是所有 Apr 9, 2023 · No, it is very unlikely to succeed unless you do major modifications, addressing the concerns of the reviewer(s). The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage. Resubmit your manuscript and CELEBRATE! Jun 25, 2014 · Revise or prepare a new submittal according to Architect’s notations and corrections. May 11, 2018 · 一般而言,投稿到期刊,審稿完之後,下面是幾個常用的評審結果: accept accept pending on minor revisions minor revision major revision reject reject 還分成兩種,一種是desk reject,表示在editor這關就過不了,沒送外審;一種是外審之後,覺得品質未達到,所以拒絕。 現在有些期刊還加上了新的評審結果:reject May 19, 2015 · In particular, revise-and-resubmit is recommended when the editor (or the reviewers) is of the opinion that the revision requires more time than the four to six weeks timeframe for a major revision. 6. In the case of revise, the authors have to revise the major or Jun 14, 2019 · This is the main reason (in my personal opinion), why so many journals now rebrand "major revision" decision (and often "minor revision" as well) as "reject and resubmit". It's very unlikely that they'll raise more objections after you resubmit (or at least substantive ones and not silly formatting stuff) and, like you say, providing the feedback and May 20, 2015 · Now it seems to be the severity of the revisions required. The wording may appear differently but they both convey a significant need for overall improvement before Usually, you have 2-3 weeks to submit the revision. Revise and resubmit: Sometimes a manuscript may receive a rejection, but the editor might show willingness to consider the manuscript if it is revised and resubmitted as a new submission. Analyze and understand the feedback received; Develop a manuscript revision plan; Revise the content in your manuscript; Enhance writing for clarity and coherence; Address any ethical or technical concerns; Do a final reformat and proofread Conditional acceptance pending major revision: Once the article has been revised, it may be sent out for peer review again to the same or different reviewers. Minor Revision - A limited number of changes are required. However, there was no invitation to try again after major revisions. Typically, editors would be more lenient on the revision time frame if they see a major revision recommendation from the reviewer. Review the feedback carefully, then let it sit for a day or two while you mull it over and decide whether you will proceed with none, some, or all of the revision requests. (2011, March 19). Sep 29, 2014 · 4. For example, if a submittal at Revision 0, you can only create Revision 1. Sometimes you can have multiple back-and-forth rounds - my first article had a submit-revise/resubmit comments-resubmit-formatting comments-resubmit-done process. Outright acceptance of a journal paper is rare. The Author should be encouraged to submit to another journal. This means the reviewers and editor found value in your manuscript, but want to see revisions. Major revision. That has to stop. com The revise and resubmit nowadays is the equivalent to "major revision" from before: journals do this to report that the time from submission to publication is short, which helps their metrics and make them more attractive. Furthermore, at least in my world, publishing in prestigious high-impact journals has many broader benefits (e. I have successfully revised a paper with a reject from one reviewer, through a major revision, into an accepted article. OP should carry us along, though. This is because each revision of that submittal gets a status (Revise and Resubmit). 与之相对照,主流英文哲学期刊的审稿意见通常分三种:accept, reject, revise and resubmit。第一轮审稿,审稿人基本不会推荐accept。如果觉得好,只会给revise and resubmit,细分成major revision和minor revision两类。如果觉得不好,就直接退稿了。 A 'revise and resubmit' decision means that a manuscript has potential but cannot be considered for publication in its current form. You are giving leave to rewrite and resubmit the thesis. But even when I got the “full revision” or “major revision” message followed by a list of 10 instructions about how to resubmit the revised manuscript, I viewed this as an eventual acceptance after revising with the reviewers suggestions and concerns in mind. My question is how long the revision will take? Because only one reviewer is It depends on your institution's definition of revise and resubmit; my institution doesn't have a 'major corrections' option, it's either minor corrections or revise, so for me, having to rewrite to clarify, cut 150 pages, and reworking the connections between your resource material is a revise. If you have any questions about revision and resubmission that have not been answered on this page or in the downloadable guidance notes, please contact the RSA team by submitting an online enquiry. The decision was major revision. He/She wanted to provide more details in some parts of my manuscript. Editors generally do not expect a revised piece to incorporate all of the feedback. On assessing the number of comments/queries from the reviewers (>80), the complexity of most of the queries, and the extent of revision required, the author decided not to revise and resubmit to the same journal, which was one of the most prestigious journals in the field. Furthermore, you can get inspired by sample peer In formulating a revision plan and the communications that will be made about it, it is likely useful to review the instructions that the referee will receive about writing a referee report on a resubmission. g. This most recent thing is basically major revisions with the acknowledgement that it might take a while to do required experiments. If it does not have either of those, I would say it is a decent chance. While this kind of feedback is still a rejection, a revise and resubmit letter is more promising because it means the literary agent was attracted to the project enough to think deeply about it and offer some advice or feedback. While peer review is used across the fields of science and publication formats, existing datasets solely focus on conference-style review in computer science. It means that the peer reviewer considers a manuscript suitable for publication if the authors rectify some major shortcomings. I mention this only because some of our folks expressed confusion over this mechanic. Back with the editor. It's a pretty good signal, some fields have a revise and resubmit which is a lower signal than major revision. Digest the feedback. A third type of rejection letter invites you to revise and resubmit your manuscript to the journal. In that case, a quick response will probably look odd. CONCLUSION. So, focus Not in your area, but general rules for revise and resubmit are essentially the same everywhere (I've had papers published in journals outside of my field and our revision procedures were essentially the same). It is definitely possible. As you can guess from the topic question, i had submitted my manuscript and i got major revisions from one reviewer (only one is assigned). providing the opportunity for a major revision, this might be something to clarify with the editor before declining the revision Aug 4, 2017 · There is no such thing as "Accepted with Major Revision". In this article, we have grouped b, c, and d together under the heading ‘reviewers’ manuscript (major) revision’. Peer review is a key component of the publishing process in most fields of science. 1. Indeed, the author of an Once something was called a major revision, but in my opinion it was minor - it took me only a few hours and the paper was accepted. 2. A ‘reject and resubmit’ means the manuscript is no longer under consideration by the journal and the authors may choose to submit to another journal. For the sake of this discussions, I’ll say “traditional” peer review consists of an editor, perhaps an associate editor, and 2-3 content expert reviewers providing feedback to the authors on whether their paper is suitable for the journal. To learn more, see What is a submittal revision? Jun 27, 2017 · A 'Reject and resubmit' decision is very similar to 'Revise and resubmit. , the time taken by authors to revise and resubmit the manuscript. This is the rite of passage of nearly all the published TMI papers. Is this a typical time period or should I send a query to the journal? Currently the paper is under the status "with editor" for a couple of days after it has been "under review". Oct 20, 2015 · For papers under Major Revision the final publication date is delayed by the revision and re-review process, but the submission date remains the same; For papers with the Reject and Resubmit status, the submission date will be the date of resubmission. Reject, do not resubmit (also known as R3: Paper is seriously flawed) The paper is seriously flawed. This could be a few weeks if it is a minor revision or a month or two for major revisions (Cochran, 2022). Aug 10, 2021 · Usually, you would see “Minor Revisions Required” or “Major Revisions Required” if the journal wants you to revise your manuscript to address specific concerns raised by the editor/reviewers. 审稿决定“Major revision” 意味着你的论文有被接受的机会,但是审稿人要求做一些实质性的、重要的修改。 针对审稿人的审稿意见的修改预计肯定需要比“小修”和“大修”更长的时间,期刊编辑将允许提交修回论文更长的截止日期。 Accept with Minor Revision. A strategy that To create a revision for any submittal: 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Submittals tool. It was like a six month process. May 30, 2024 · Also, since R&Rs typically require a major revision, the requesting agent is not expecting a quick turnaround, so don’t feel as if you need to drop everything and resubmit your book in a matter of days! The expectation is that you’ll have anywhere from 3-4 months to turn your edits in unless the agent states otherwise. They also have different implications in terms of publication metrics. Also sometimes editors give a "risky major revision" qualifier. Allerdings weist dieses sowohl theoretische als auch methodische Schwä - chen auf, wodurch es aktuell nicht zur Veröffentlichung empfohlen werden kann. "Revise" means revision is required, and decision will be taken considering the revisions made. However, the authors can revise the manuscript based on the reviewer's comments / suggestions and resubmit the paper. The markers took a lot of time to provide thoughtful and extensive feedback, as brutal as it was for my mental health - looking back I do agree with them. So treat it like a major revision Mar 19, 2011 · How to Respond to a “Revise and Resubmit” from an Academic Journal: Ten Steps to a Successful Revision When I submit an article to a top journal, often the best possible outcome I can hope for is that the editors will invite me to respond to the reviewers’ comments and resubmit the article. your paper. Out of the four reviewers, the first suggested minor revision with no further re-review, the second reviewer wanted to see the manuscript in revised form, the third rejected it, and the fourth suggested publication (though he also suggested us to try for a higher impact journal). Feb 17, 2022 · So I think that while an R&R in general is an opportunity to revise the paper and essentially try again, and hopefully a journal makes clear if they are contingently accepting a paper pending minor revision vs. SCI一审结束后给Revise & Resubmit有希望收稿吗? 第一次写sci没什么经验,自己写完就投了computational mechanics这个期刊,一审结束后给的状态是Revise & Resubmit… Aug 19, 2020 · Major corrections - might involve some reanalysis, but no new experiments - 6 month time limit. ' It indicates that the editor has seen some merit in your study, but it is not publishable in its current form. Between initial rejection (covered in our last editorial) and immediate acceptance (extremely rare!), there are several levels of response – minor revisions, conditional acceptance, major revisions and others – that will lead the authors towards different types of revision, depending on what Major Revision is great news! Pretty much everybody in the labs that I work in has major/minor revisions. I work for a journal that uses similar language and I agree that the wording in decision e-mails can be pretty confusing! Mar 28, 2021 · Major revision. This article provides 10 easy-to-follow steps that will guide you through the revision and then the resubmission of your paper. Status – Use this to record where you are in the revision process for each issue (e. Dec 29, 2024 · 投了elsevier的Fuel,审稿意见回来了。投稿里只显示了一个revise,压根没有major或是minor,也不像是revise and resubmit。 主编在decision letter里说的是:Reviewers have now commented on your pape Nov 10, 2024 · I hope that these comments are helpful! Getting a revise and resubmit is a huge accomplishment, and you are one step closer to having your paper accepted. The author of a manuscript which has received an accept with major revisions decision is to be congratulated, as the editors have concluded that the paper contains a publishable contribution when a list of specified revisions is successfully executed. After the revisions, the journal is willing to have you resubmit the manuscript for a I rewrote and resubmitted my first novel to my agent twice before he officially offered me representation. Mar 12, 2014 · New reviewers to a particular journal are often shooting in the dark with that final score assessment of reject vs major revision vs minor revision. all . Do not treat this as a rejection and get depressed—it is an opportunity to carefully revise the manuscript and fill in the scientific gaps! Jan 12, 2021 · 编辑可以使用“reject with option to resubmit” 来表示“revise and resubmit”,理由如下: 1. Mar 12, 2021 · This list will guide your revision of the paper. Revise Thoroughly: Make sure your revisions address all major concerns raised by the reviewers. It is like a revise and resubmit, but the journal is going to count the manuscript as a new submission so their rejection rates go up and the time to final decision goes down. It can help you to make the Aug 2, 2015 · You do not need to detail every minor change that you have made, but you should identify the major areas that you improved. Once you’ve finished revising, the next step is writing the letter or memo that you will se nd with the revised version of your article. If I really like the revised paper but one of the other reviewers still seems obstreperous, I sometimes include a very brief note addressing their major concerns: "Specifically, the new data provide ample support for {claim} and I believe no additional experiments are needed", "Related work Jul 21, 2023 · 6) Be pragmatic in your response. An important point is that a request for either major or minor revision needs to be viewed positively , because it indicates that there is a chance that the manuscript can still be accepted and published, provided that all the queries and suggestions by reviewers are satisfactorily addressed. award a lower degree with or without minor or major corrections; or; reject the thesis without the opportunity for resubmission. Organize yourself so that you can produce a clear and comprehensive revision of the manuscript . nuoif itrkv okp zaasxmqw jszz swghjkp tgyj jkrj fkmgio gdd